Now Follow these steps to add a beautiful subscription form to your blogger .
Now you need to make some important changes to customize the widget.
Steps to Follow
- Go To Blogger > Layout
- Click Add a Gadget or Add a Page element
- Choose HTML/JavaScript Widget
- Inside this widget paste the code below :
/*----- Email Subscription Widget Code starts here----- */
<a href="" rel="alternate" title="Subscribe now to avail the unthinkable" type="application/rss+xml"><img border="0" alt="" style=" padding-bottom:20px; margin: 0pt 10px 10px 0pt; float: left; width:100px; height:100px;" src=""/></a><p><a href="" rel="alternate" title="Subscribe to my feed" type="application/rss+xml">Join the team! </a><span style="color: #5C6AA4; font-weight: bold;">By Submitting your email address:</span></p>
input.mbt1 {
font: bold 10px Arial, sans-serif;
input.mbt1hov {
font: bold 10px Arial, sans-serif;
border:2px solid #F39100;
<form action="" style="padding: 5px; " target="popupwindow" method="post" onsubmit="window.openundefined'', 'popupwindow', 'scrollbars=yes,width=550,height=520');return true"><input style=" color:#5C6AA4; background: #fff; border:1px solid #5C6AA4; width: 90px;" name="email" type="text"/><input value="HackWithStyle" name="uri" type="hidden"/><input value="en_US" name="loc" type="hidden"/> <input onmouseover="this.className='mbt1 mbt1hov'" onmouseout="this.className='mbt1'" value="GO!" class="mbt1" type="submit"/></form><br/>
/*----- Email Subscription Widget Code ends here----- */
Now you need to make some important changes to customize the widget.
- Replace with your Feed URL that Feedburner has provided you. If you don’t now how to get it simple replace HackWIthStyle with your Feed title like this,
- To use a different RSS Feed Icon simple change the URL below with that of yours,
- Replace HackWithStyle with your own Feedburner Feed Title
Subscribe To Get FREE Tutorials!
Respected Readers:
Awesome post. Here’s a tool that lets you build all types of web forms with email alerts fast and without coding. Just point and click
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