I am receiving a lot of emails these days about how to earn online money and can we really earn money through internet etc. So, I thought of explaining about earning through internet.
Yes , its really easy to earn online money.We have seen a lot of things related to online earning but usually we believe that these are all scam .... don't pay .....
That's not right at all ..... people are earning handsome amount through online earning without any effort ...... particularly INDIANS .... they are earning a lot from internet ..... we are going to make a campaign through which we will make PAKISTANIS to earn big through internet so if u r with us then join hands .....
If u want to earn guys then post your email IDs here ...... only the serious persons are allowed ...... Apply here by posting the emails .....
Thanks guys ......
Yes , its really easy to earn online money.We have seen a lot of things related to online earning but usually we believe that these are all scam .... don't pay .....
That's not right at all ..... people are earning handsome amount through online earning without any effort ...... particularly INDIANS .... they are earning a lot from internet ..... we are going to make a campaign through which we will make PAKISTANIS to earn big through internet so if u r with us then join hands .....
If u want to earn guys then post your email IDs here ...... only the serious persons are allowed ...... Apply here by posting the emails .....
Thanks guys ......
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@Sumeet Kukreja .... its just for people in PAKISTAN
ok guys ..... I will send a mail to all of you and follow the instructions given in that mail ....
Please tell me how can i earn !
( ZaiD SohaiL )
tHaNxX AlOt bRo
i didn't reciev ur mail...
my adress is
ma email is Goodangel162@gmail.com
hmm, i am a bit hurt from this particular topic man.. there are already allot of controversies regarding India - Pak relationship. you shouldnt have indicated that indians are earning.. Well, i think and even you know that whole world is earning through many ways online . we all are humans so does it really matters India vs Pak always? sounds wiered to me. i am an Indian and i respect you and your country (Pak) similarily so think about it yaar.. be cool :( - geek.technology@ymail.com .. man ways are there to earn online and the best one, make a site and to do so its not needed to be a programmer as me .. you can do it by using pre-created scripts, forumse are already many controversies about India - Pak relationship. you shouldnt have mentioned only indians to earn through web/wap. although whole world is earning online by various ways . i respect humanity and as respect you and your country (Pak) similarily even being an Indian. does this really matters that who is Indian or Pakistani? i thought you guys are here with good mentality but really found you opposite to my thoughts. there are many ways to earn online and the most effective way is to earn through advertisement revenue by applying them on your site. many pre-created scripts are available , forums, and blogs too so do it. i am Indian and proud to be one as i do not hate Pakistan. you are very much similar to us. think about it.. have a nice time @ xeo :( .. geek.technology@ymail.com
and do you believe that you are a good hacker? it makes me laugh. i do not want to offend you or anything, just make changes with your thinking yaar. there is always something to be learn.:) be a cracker to help " hacker sounds pretty odd". - geek.technology@ymail.com
i am making over 2K Usd /monthy simply... :D - geek.technology@ymail.com
do me a favour by deleting or editing my first post as my browser crashed by anmol. - geek.tech
hmm, i am a bit hurt from this particular topic man.. there are already many controversies about India - Pak relationship. you shouldnt have mentioned only indians to earn through web/wap. although whole world is earning online by various ways . i respect humanity and as respect you and your country (Pak) similarily even being an Indian. does this really matters that who is Indian or Pakistani? i thought you guys are here with good mentality but really found you opposite to my thoughts. there are many ways to earn online and the most effective way is to earn through advertisement revenue by applying them on your site. many pre-created scripts are available , forums, and blogs too so do it. i am Indian and proud to be one as i do not hate Pakistan. you are very much similar to us. think about it.. have a nice time @ xeo :( .. geek.technology@ymail.com
Lolzzz you took it really in the opposite sense .... I never say anything about INDIA .... and in that post I was just saying that INDIANS are earning more means they are more aware about the online earning and I think its their ability and i really appreciate it .... thats y i created it to give knowledge to PAKISTANI .... and second thing I didnt include INDIANS here bcoz I am from PAKISTAN and the way i m going to tell is actually a paid method ..... but now I am with KUMAR SOURAV so I am also obliging INDIANS now ....
kindly send me the method
here is my email address..
Your feedback is always appreciated. I will try to reply to your queries as soon as time allows.
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