Herez my new tutorial on EmbeePay . Its a facebook application for getting easyload on your mobile very easily. I got around 400 Rs in 2 days.Very easy to work out.
Follow these steps :
First JOIN EMBEEPAY & allow the application on facebook.
- Now enter your phone number and get registered and you will get 10 points.
- After that validate your account .You will get a code in 3-4 min ,enter it and get 10 more points.
- Now subscribe to their mailing and get 5 points.
- Now total you got is 25 points very easily.
- After that go to earn and do different surveys and offers and earn points.I will recomment to do those surveys which are free nad give low points like fb app etc . There are lot of offers you can do.
- Moreover suggest 5 friends and when they register you will get 10 points .
When you reached to 60 points ,go to redeem and you will get easy load of 400.
Post Updated
After 6th comments , I reviewed embeepay and got that they have changed their rules about the points so i have written another post about their new point rules . The new post title is
Get Free Credit through Embeepay easily and also check this
Get most out of Embeepay / Embee Mobile.
About the Author
I am
XEO Hacker, the founder of
Hack With Style (HWS). I am blogging since 2009 before that I just search things and now I am sharing my knowledge through this plateform.I'm also a freelance writer on topics related to Website Hacking,Website Optimization (SEO), blogger customizations and making money online.
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Amaz!nG :D
yups it is working really great
where i will enter the code?
they have the levels now....very hard to earn points
its fake yar........ not working now
I have got 165 points but Coudnt recharge
its still working guys but now they have changed the policy .... now u have to make 400 points to get recharge
** Now subscribe to their mailing and get 5 points.
mean wht 2 do..?
means add your email to their live newsletter ..... when u allow the application you will see the option for Email subscription .... Moreover they have now increased the points from 5 to 50
Hi xeo, i liked your post, do u know i got Rs. 200 rech, from embeepay in just 2 weeks, as i have a good knowledge of internet, like you :P , but these people are not believing it.. You can see my post here IT HAS A PROOF ALSO.. TELL ME HOW'z mah site
For more details visit
sick ............. man i asked how how to hack embeepay points not to earn it .......... how to hack it man
Embee pay really pays i really earned rs200 in a day
i got 200 rs recharge...when i colected 300 points,...points system is diffrent in diffrent place.
why embeepay gives such amount of mobile recharge to the facebook user??? what is your benefit from that?? please explain me....
I got around 300 points but not able to recharge the mobile with 100 rs should I buy premium member ship?
can you just how to reactivate my account again of embee pay
as i have mailed them quite often but they are not responding me please help me out
brother i have collected 3 recharges of 200's n now its not getting points after completing 5 friends also now what to do........... plzzzz bro reply me soon
well good to hear that you guys are earning through this embeepay .... :))
@manmath ..... hahaha There's no benefit of mine bro but ya embeepay they are earning a lot n giving us just a penny .... :D
@bunty .... dont buy the premium one lolzzz, you are here to get money not to spend , earn more points and get the free deal.
@Shekhar ..... there's no other way ... i would suggest u to create another account .
@wajid ali ..... same for you bro create a second account.
i hav 125 points but i need 25 points for redeem how is thst possible that u hav 60 points n get recharge of 400
guys this is new web site which is providing free mobile recharge...
note:email and mobile verification is must..
Your feedback is always appreciated. I will try to reply to your queries as soon as time allows.
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XEO Hacker