Social enginering is a very small chapter,it is nt only related 2 internet arena bt it is also related 2 ur social nd general life.u do flirt vd a girl dt is social engineering.saying lies 2 some1 4 making ur own work succeed is also social engineering is nothing else but 2 do some crooking vd some1 4 making ur own work completed.suppose dt der is some1 ur freind nd u want 2 hack his orkut ,then vdout trying 2 hack his password simpally click on forgot password,a general person generally put very comman question here vch is very easy 2 guess if u r his freind,social engineering is a very imp. thing.let me tell u d first story of hacking.
it held thru social engineering.
in starting wen telephone ws new in d world then d first hacker of d world,just looked at d working method of telephonic service,he found dt wen we call some1 then our reqst goes 2 telephone office then there it originates a specific freequency then it transfer 2 d person 2 whom we r calling.he just made a tofee nd put a small whistle in dt packet of tofee vd saying it is a gift vd tofee.
ppl nd der children started whistling dt whistle,wenever any1 used dt wistle, it produced d same freequency as d telephone server freequncy nd this thing made dt hacker's calls free around d world.
just look at d whole incident,he just thought nd used a small whistle.
it means social engineering is very much imp.,if u r doing something big then vdout taking d help of social enginering u cann't make ur desired work.
suppose dt der is some1 ur freind nd u want 2 hack his orkut ,then vdout trying 2 hack his password simpally click on forgot password,a general person generally put very comman question here vch is very easy 2 guess if u r his freind,social engineering is a very imp. thing,bcoz he is ur freind den in forgot password
[1]social engineering is d human side of breaking in to a corporate networkcompanies3 d authentication processes,firewall,virtual private networks nd network monitoring softwares are still wide open 2 attackssocial engineering is d hardest form of attack to defend against bcoz it can't be defend vd hardware or software alone.
sometimes wen u open a website then u see der something written like"congrats' u r d 1lakhth visitor click here 2 claim"
on dese places everyday thousands of ppl give der credit cards information easily,
der r 2 types of social engineering
--->posing as imp. user
--->3rd person approcah
--->technical support
these r classified in dese-->mail/im attachments
-->pop up windows
--->spam mail
dis chapter is over now.
wen u vl do something big in ur future then while planning u vl understand d imporataince of social enginnering.
mind it,4 tracing some1 wen u send som1 a e mail or wen u say him 2 send a file or accept a file 4m him then these things r also social egineering.
we wiill be using this social engineering while sending some1 trojan/keylogger nd 4 many more things.these things vl come in dis course in future.
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Respected Readers:
dude can u tell me a little more about pop-up windows..
Pop up windows are just scripts ..... mostly people use pop up for the adds to earn revenue .... but i wont prefer poop ups as they are very annoying for the readers and if you want the visitor to come back then dont use pop ups
thank you
hack me this please
It will cost you 20$ to hack any account .
dude tht win spy is not free can u sugges any other software ???
can i be you student and how much will it cost me inbox me
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