In the midst of differennt social networks,have you redused your use of RSS ? Rss is in fact,still one of the popular and usful ways to getting information regularly on different subjects of your need.Here is a tool and simplify your experience with RSS by providing hassle free and quicker access to your feeds Subscriptions.
One of the major leader in RSS feed reader service providers is Google,which includes numerous interesting features.But one of the downside as expressed by users is that it is not possible to read the feeds while offline.Desktop Google Reader is a desktop application which can solve this issue and help you to read feeds offline.
It syncs with Google Reader and transfers all the informations from the web readers to your offline mode.But,to clarify the desktop google reafer has no association with Google.
After you login in the Google Reader with your google account details,the feeds are listed on the left side.Click on a feed and all items in the feed are displayed in the top right pane.Clicking on any item on top right frame open up a complete feed content in the bottom right pane.
You can perform various actions as in a web reader and quite more.You can like,share,eail o tag a feed items.You can also mark to read it later.You can also tweet what you are reading.
The Preferences dialog lets you configure various aspects of the software. You can vary the refresh interval, choose how the summary is displayed or tweak what gets displayed on the notifications that pop up.
It needs the .NET framework 3.5 SP1 in order to run.
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XEO Hacker, the founder of
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