Worms are programs that replicate themselves from system to system without the use of a host file. This is in contrast to viruses, which requires the spreading of an infected host file. Although worms generally exist inside of other files, often Word or Excel documents, there is a difference between how worms and viruses use the host file. Usually the worm will release a document that already has the "worm" macro inside the document. The entire document will travel from computer to computer, so the entire document should be considered the worm W32.Mydoom.AX@mm is an example of a worm.
Step 1:
Go to notepad and type "startvirus.bat"
Step 2:
THen go to save as and nameit something like "virus.bat"
Step 3:
Now create shortcut so you can change icon so it looks more serious.
Step 4:
THen go to properties and change icon
Now rename it and sent it to some one.
And you are done...
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Respected Readers:
hey dude, names ben and i got intrested into the worms and hacking stuff and looked at something basic and easy, so cheers, if i had money to donate.. i would.
seems like something easy to do, very nice. shall look at your other stuff aswell.
hey how do i choose what i want my worm to do?
you cant
Guys this is not a worm worms replicate themselves im working on one right now worms basicly send an e-mail to the host contacts then it spreads very fast slammer/saphire was the fastest worm in history but it took so much bandwidth that it did'nt go unoticed
the worm im making is explosively fast!
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