Trojan, sometimes referred to as a
Trojan horse, is non-self-replicating
malware that appears to perform a desirable function for the user but instead facilitates unauthorized access to the user's computer system.
Is trojan virus Dangerous?
The short answer is yes, and the long answer is sometimes, because there are near a thousand different trojan horse viruses and they all will most likely alter your computer in some way or another.
Working of Trojans!
In this tutorial i will tell you a method through which you can manually remove a Trojan horse,Sometimes atrojan horse disables your antivirus and prevent any other Antivirus from being installed
1-Go to my computer
2-Drive c
3-Program Files
4-Common flies
5-Microsoft shared
6- Ms info or msinfo 32
The virus might hide it self in startup so delete the temporarily internet file
Is there any way to prevent Trojan attack?
I have wrote an article on How to secure your network from trojans this will explain on How to keep Trojans out of your PC
About the Author
I am
XEO Hacker, the founder of
Hack With Style (HWS). I am blogging since 2009 before that I just search things and now I am sharing my knowledge through this plateform.I'm also a freelance writer on topics related to Website Hacking,Website Optimization (SEO), blogger customizations and making money online.
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I have been using AVG security for a couple of years now, and I'd recommend this Anti virus to all you.
Your feedback is always appreciated. I will try to reply to your queries as soon as time allows.
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XEO Hacker