In the previous posts we have checked How to Create a New Account on Facebook and after creating an account How To Create A New Facebook Fan Page Now we will discuss how to Create a new Group in Facebook , its not much difficult and almost similar to Creating a Facebook Page .Just Follow these simple Steps and you are done.I am not adding much photos in this tutorial as I have added in previous tutorial as I think now you are much familiar with facebook and can do it by yourself but still if you having any problem amy ask in comments.
Anyways lets start guys :
Anyways lets start guys :
- Come up with an original idea for a group.
- Login to Facebook or create an account if you don't have one yet.
- Type some key words for your group idea in the "Search" box in the left hand column. You'll want to see whether or not you've actually had an original idea before you create your group. Also, make sure it is something other people would know about, not just an inside joke or something.
- Now after getting a good idea Click Profile at the top.
- Click Info from your profile.
- Scroll to the bottom and to the right of Groups, click See All.
- Click "Create a group" at the top of that page.
- Give your group a name Make sure the name is distinct and simple, if it is too complicated, no one will ever find it and join, which is the point of creating a group.
- Choose a network.
- Will your group be accessible only to those in your region or school? If so, choose the region or school from the drop down list of networks to which you belong.
- Will your group be accessible to everyone on Facebook??? If so, choose "Global."
- Describe your group in the "Description" area. Be very specific, as keyword searches will match anything you have written in this text box.
- Choose a category and sub-category. Once again, be specific, as those who are browsing will find your group only if it is in the correct category.
- Fill out the contact information such as a street address, country and website.
- Choose your privacy settings.
- Click "Create group".
- Click "Browse" to upload a group image. Keep copyright rules in mind when doing this.
- Click "Upload picture" or "Skip this step" if you prefer to add a photo later.
- Invite your friends by selecting them from your current friend list or typing their name into the box that is provided.
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