Mcafee claims its products to be top and most popular security product, Today I heard about Mcafee url shorting service, As I visited the Mcafee Url shortning website, I found that they claimed that their url shortner is safe and secure.
So I thought to test it, I created a Facebook fake login page and tried to shorten it with Mcafee url shortner, hoping that it was detect it and will not allow to shorten it, but I was shocked to see that Mcafee actually showed that the website is safe, see the image below:
As lots of people trust on mcafee and a hacker could take an advantage of Mcafee Url shortning service and steal thousands of email accounts, this shows that one should not always rely on softwares for security,
Hope Mcafee fix this very soon
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XEO Hacker, the founder of
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I am using AVG security for a few years, and I recommend this solution to everyone.
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XEO Hacker