BIOS(Basic Input & Output) is a system of your computer's motherboard/CPU. It helps your computer to communicate with Operating System and other hardwares. So BIOS needs some temporary memory to store some information. There is a battery in mother board of your computer, called COMS Battery which helps BIOS to remember informations and clock time when your computer is off. All time we see a BIOS popup when we start our computer.
We can protect our BIOS settings by locking it with password. You have seen often on different computers that before starting it asks for password thats called bios password . But what will happen if we forget our bios password?
Yes, you have a fine solution if you forget your BIOS password. you have to remove your COMS battery from your mother board and wait for 15 minutes. Then again set it to you mother board. Now you BIOS password is gone.
Remove COMS battery to reset BIOS password .
Now start you computer. Now at the BIOS popup, there will be some message and out of them you will see a line like "Couldn't load BIOS information. Press F2 to enter into BIOS". Now enter into BIOS and press F9 to load default settings. Then press F10. And save settings. Now restart you computer.
You can also used this trick to break the password of your friend if u have physical access to his pc .....
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Respected Readers:
i forgot password of my laptop bios how i can remove that is there will bw a battery like simple pc board.plz help
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