1.How can i use Sniperspy for email hacking?
2.Is my order 100% safe?
3.If i dont Have phisical acess to victims computer can i still install sniperspy?
4.Will the victim know about it if i install sniperspy?
5.Which is best Sniperspy or Winspy?
6.What do i do if Antivirus catch me ?
7.Can i be traced Back if i install it on someones computer?
Sniperspy FAQ
How can i Use Sniperspy for email hacking?Its very easy to use sniperspy,a person with basic knowledge of computer can use and operate sniperspy:
1.First you need to purchase sniperspy.
2.After the order is complete, you will be instantly emailed a receipt with your Username/Password and a link to download the Module Creator program. You will download this program to your local computer in order to create the module to send to your remote computer.
3. Run the module creator program and enter your Username/Password into the fields. Then follow the screens to adjust the settings to your needs. Once the module wizard is finished, your module EXE file will be created in the location and name you selected. Some people choose unique names for the module such as funpics.exe or Anything.exe.
4.Once you have got sniperspy installed into victims Computer,you will receive logs,screenshots etc over periods,You can login into your sniperspy account to see the screen shots,logs and email passwords
Is my Order 100% safe?
Yes.All orders of Sniperspy are handled by plimus which is a very well known and popular company.The privacy and protection of your online order is 100% safe.you can give order with worrying about scams
Will the victim know about it if i install sniperspy?
No.Its almost impossible to know about it,because once sniperspy is installed into victims computer it runs in a total stealth mode,it hides it self from Startup,taskmanager add/remove program and Program files.
What do i do if Antivirus catch me ?
If you are afraid that antivirus might catch you than read my post on How to bypass antivirus detection of keylogger
Can i be traced Back if i install it on someones computer?
No.Its almost impossible to be traced back if you install sniperspy on someones computer
If i dont Have phisical acess to victims computer can i still install sniperspy?
Yes.You do not need physical access into victims computer to install a sniperspy or winspy you just need to make victim install a small remote file after which you will be recieve password,screenshots,logs etc over periods
Which is Best sniperspy or winspy?
I recommend Sniperspy for the following reasons:
1.Sniperspy is Fully compatible with windows vista,but winspy has known compatible issues with Windows vista
2.It has low antivirus detection rate
3.It can bypass firewall
4.Sniperspy is recognized by CNN,BBC,CBS and other popular news network,Hence it is reputed and trustworthy
Sniperspy is completely reliable and user-friendly,It is worth price that you pay for it,you cannot get a better keylogger than this,So what are you waiting for?Go grab the Sniperspy now
Click Here to Order SniperSpy Now!
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