In the last post we have seen how to Hack an Online Site using SQL Injection. This technique is quite easy to use and i think its best technique but it is not applicable on new sites using cpanel. As you have understand the whole technique now i am introducing some useful commands related to SQL injection :
Latest Sql Injection Commands
- ABORT -- abort the current transaction
- ALTER DATABASE -- change a database
- ALTER GROUP -- add users to a group or remove users from a group
- ALTER TABLE -- change the definition of a table
- ALTER TRIGGER -- change the definition of a trigger
- ALTER USER -- change a database user account
- ANALYZE -- collect statistics about a database
- BEGIN -- start a transaction block
- CHECKPOINT -- force a transaction log checkpoint
- CLOSE -- close a cursor
- CLUSTER -- cluster a table according to an index
- COMMENT -- define or change the comment of an object
- COMMIT -- commit the current transaction
- COPY -- copy data between files and tables
- CREATE AGGREGATE -- define a new aggregate function
- CREATE CAST -- define a user-defined cast
- CREATE CONSTRAINT TRIGGER -- define a new constraint trigger
- CREATE CONVERSION -- define a user-defined conversion
- CREATE DATABASE -- create a new database
- CREATE DOMAIN -- define a new domain
- CREATE FUNCTION -- define a new function
- CREATE GROUP -- define a new user group
- CREATE INDEX -- define a new index
- CREATE LANGUAGE -- define a new procedural language CREATE OPERATOR -- define a new operator
- CREATE OPERATOR CLASS -- define a new operator class for indexes
- CREATE RULE -- define a new rewrite rule
- CREATE SCHEMA -- define a new schema
- CREATE SEQUENCE -- define a new sequence generator
- CREATE TABLE -- define a new table
- CREATE TABLE AS -- create a new table from the results of a query
- CREATE TRIGGER -- define a new trigger
- CREATE TYPE -- define a new data type
- CREATE USER -- define a new database user account
- CREATE VIEW -- define a new view
- DEALLOCATE -- remove a prepared query
- DECLARE -- define a cursor
- DELETE -- delete rows of a table
- DROP AGGREGATE -- remove a user-defined aggregate function
- DROP CAST -- remove a user-defined cast
- DROP CONVERSION -- remove a user-defined conversion
- DROP DATABASE -- remove a database
- DROP DOMAIN -- remove a user-defined domain
- DROP FUNCTION -- remove a user-defined function
- DROP GROUP -- remove a user group
- DROP INDEX -- remove an index
- DROP LANGUAGE -- remove a user- DROP TYPE -- remove a user-defined data type
- DROP USER -- remove a database user account
- DROP VIEW -- remove a view
- END -- commit the current transaction
- EXECUTE -- execute a prepared query
- EXPLAIN -- show the execution plan of a statement
- FETCH -- retrieve rows from a table using a cursor
- GRANT -- define access privileges
- INSERT -- create new rows in a table
- LISTEN -- listen for a notification
- LOAD -- load or reload a shared library file
- LOCK -- explicitly lock a table
- MOVE -- position a cursor on a specified row of a table
- NOTIFY -- generate a notification
- PREPARE -- create a prepared query
- REINDEX -- rebuild corrupted indexes
- RESET -- restore the value of a run-time parameter to a default value
- REVOKE -- remove access privileges
- ROLLBACK -- abort the current transaction
- SELECT -- retrieve rows from a table or view
- SELECT INTO -- create a new table from the results of a query
- SET -- change a run-time parameter
- SET CONSTRAINTS -- set the constraint mode of the current transaction
- SET SESSION AUTHORIZATION -- set the session user identifier and the current user identifier of the current session
- SET TRANSACTION -- set the characteristics of the current transaction
- SHOW -- show the value of a run-time parameter
- START TRANSACTION -- start a transaction block
- TRUNCATE -- empty a table
- UNLISTEN -- stop listening for a notification
- UPDATE -- update rows of a table
- VACUUM -- garbage-collect and optionally analyze a database
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Respected Readers:
Nice post. I was actually supposed to meet with our accountant but had to postpone since I don’t have all of our documents organized yet. Meaning, I’m not sure if we have everything to take to the accountant yet. I’m usually pretty good about this, but the last few months have been hectic. I hope I am able to file my return on time. diamond solitaire rings
Your feedback is always appreciated. I will try to reply to your queries as soon as time allows.
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