It would be a Nightmare for anyone whose Facebook account gets Hacked,He would wonder How to get back his Hacked Facebook account,In this article i will tell you some methods through which you can Regain your Hacked Facebook account :
Hope Methods will help you to prevent your Facebook account from getting hacked,It is higly recommended that you must follow all the above Methods to ensure maximum security.
Steps to take when your Facebook account gets Hacked
- Reset Facebook Password with Secondary email address
- Secret Answer
- Contacting Facebook
Facebook account from getting Hacked
- Use Strong Passwords
- Use Phishing filter
- Use a good Antivirus and Antispyware
- Use a Good antilogger
- Use a Good Firewall:
Hope Methods will help you to prevent your Facebook account from getting hacked,It is higly recommended that you must follow all the above Methods to ensure maximum security.
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