In my previous post Surprise! HWS Developed Its First Facebook HTML IFrame WebPage I have told you guys that I have done with adding a new welcome tab in one of my Facebook page.Today I am going to tell you guys how is it possible and its really a precious info you guys wont find it anywhere on web as mostly webmaster wont share it as they charge for it but here on HWS its totally free for all the lovers of HWS.To add branded look to your Fan Pages you need a custom
tab so that you could then design the tab to blend your website theme. A
tab is basically a link that will appear under the wall and info tabs.
On clicking the tab your visitors or fans will be able to see the
content inside that tab page.
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Follow these easy steps carefully :
If you guys still got any problem then I m here to help you out . Let me know in comments . Take care .Have fun ..... and Gudnite as I m really got tired writing this tutorial .... :))
Follow these easy steps carefully :
Create new Facebook Tab App
- Kindly Visit Facebook Apps Page and then click the + Create New App button.
- Set the App Name with either your website name or blog name. You can give any name you want and you can change it later too.
- Leave Namespace empty as its optional.
- Click the the Continue button and enter some security code to proceed further.
Configure Your Tab App Settings
- In the About section, click the "Change you icon" link to upload a 16px by 16px Icon for your tab. My advise is that you upload your website logo like I have done.
- At the end of the Facebook App Page, you will five options as shown in the below image.Click on Second option which says , App on Facebook and enter the below information.
- Canvas URL - Enter
- Secure Canvas URL - Enter
- Now click on the last option which says Page Tab and enter the below information.
- Tab URL - Enter
- Secure Tab URL - Enter
NOTE: Replace YOURAPPLICATIONID with the your Application ID which you will get at the top of your Facebook Application Page.
- Click the Save Changes button. Congratulations you just created a tab successfully! Now just few more steps.
Add your Custom Tab App to your Fan/Like Page
- Copy your APP ID and App Secret code and keep them safe in a notepad as we will be needing them later.
- Now open the below link in new tab
NOTE : Replace YOUR_APP_ID with your Application ID and YOUR_URL with the url you have posted in Canvas URL which you have posted in the Facebook App Setting Page.
- After putting this link in your URL ,a page will open as shown below in image.
- Now choose your page where you want to add the Welcome Tab and click Add Page Tab.
- After that it will ask for APP SECRET which we have already saved in notepad or your can also get it from your Facebook Application Page.
- After adding App Secret click Save App Settings.
- If everything's going right then a note like this will come which means you are all set .... :))
- Now open your page where you have added the application and you will see a new tab under your Page display picture,click on it.
- Now Authorize The Tab App and then Go To Application.
- Hurrah !!! you can now add any html code here and can make this tab your default landing tab.
If you guys still got any problem then I m here to help you out . Let me know in comments . Take care .Have fun ..... and Gudnite as I m really got tired writing this tutorial .... :))
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Respected Readers:
That's cool to add to my page.
really nice and fully explained. but one small question if i have to add the same tab toh another page. what would i do? means which link to follow for ading to another tab?
When you open the link and it asks for your page then select the second page and it will be added to that page too .... i haven't tried yet let me know if it works .... :))
Whove! Works like a dream. Thanks for the post.
Just in case some one gets this error,
You have specified an App Domain but have not specified a Site URL or a Mobile Web URL
Take a look at this solution:
Otherwise it's a piece of cake. :)
Thanks for the instructions. I will definitely add one on my own page. Thanks again!
u guys are welcome .... :))
Thanks. The post was really helpful since it works for the new tab format with Timelines too.
Tab URL - Enter
Secure Tab URL - Enter
& aplication canvas...
where can I make these????
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