List of Widgets
Following are the few widgets which I am using and I will recommend all the bloggers to use them as they are best for blogs :
Multi Tab Widget
- Add a cool Multi tab widget ,by adding a multi tab widget ,you can save your space and also can add more widgets in the tab.
- Moreover this multi tab widget gives your blog a stylish look and makes it more profesional.
- Heres the way to add a simple multi tab widget to your blog but I would recommend to add advanced multi tab widget to your blogger . Its best and I am also using it.
Add Banner Widget
- This one is also a great widget . I am not using it rite now but will use it in future.
- I will recommned you to use it when you have enough traffic and other sites are find you worth enough to add their sites.
- Its also a good source of earning for you.
- Add 125 by 125 Add Banner to your blog .
Email Subscription form
- Email Subscription is the most essential tool for bloggers because its a constant source of earning for you.
- As much email subscribers you have ,so the traffic to your blog will increase .
- So add a cool subscription form to your blog and it must be easily visible so that visitors can add their emails very easily.
- Add a subsription option under each post which I have explained in previous post and also add a widget on your sidebar.
- Add a cool Subsription form to your sidebar and enjoy the traffic .
Feed Subscription Form
- This is also an other way to increase your traffic and the best way to attract other visitors.
- If you have 500+ feed subscribers,it means you are doig a fabolous job.
- Others sites ads cost also depends on it . When someone is willing to pay you for their ads then he must first check your feed subscribers.
- Add a cool feed Icon to your Blog and enjoy traffic.
Add a Footer Column
- As I have explained in my previous chapter that adding footer is very essential for the blog .
- It increases the beeauty of your blog and also you can add many addons in it .
- First try to get a template having footer but you have some blog without footer then herez the way to add a Customized Three Column Footer widget to your Blog .
Recent Post and Recent Column
- Add these widgets in your footer ,particularly comment widget . It helps the visitors to check your recent posts and comments.
- Add the Recent Comment Widget to your foooter.
- Herez the way to Add the Recent Post Widget to your footer.
Bookmarking Sites Widget
- If you find some beautiful Bookmarking widgets then must add them to your blog.
- Its a good way to get backlinks from these sites and also a lot of traffic.
- I have posted about Twitter Recent Post Widget for Bloggers .
- If you want to add any other widget and need help then ask in the comments .
Enough for today , hope I have helped you guys in some ways and I am waiting for the response about howz your blog looks after adding these widgets .... :))
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Respected Readers:
Great dude
just awesome
i really want to make my blog like yours and you really explained well each n every thing
fan of urs
you man I am just gonna add all these widgets to my blog and will tell you howz i found my blog
I was waiting for this new chapter from a long time thnx 4 tht
and hope you solve all your worries soon , please post the next chapter as early as possibly waiting for it
I have completely read it and its really great
i just wanna know one thing how to change the style n color fo admin comment and also about comment count
plz tell me about it
simply supreb man
+1 as it deserve
I want to copy all these chapters to my blog,may i ?
brilliant bro
please post the next chapter
as soon as possible
i m very eager to read that
These all are working gud except that feed icon
i m having problem with that
plx resolve it
i have added it but its not matching to my profile
dnt know y
@Chris thnx bro for the compliments .... :))
@gerald ..... ya sure i will be waiting for your reply and to know howz ur blog looking now
@rehan .... yups i will try to post the new chapter soon ....
@shankar yups In my new chapter I will post all about comment system how to improve it
@kami and sam ..... thnx guys ... :))
@serial killer ya sure bro u can but but do mention the credits and the link to this chapter .... thnx :))
@suresh yups will post the new chapter soon
@Chris use the color code generator ,u will find it in blogger tools and get those colors that can match to ur template
Your feedback is always appreciated. I will try to reply to your queries as soon as time allows.
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