Hide the IP to be the best one. It’s ease of use, reliability, wide range of options, speed and unmatchable price were on top when compared to that of the remaining IP Hising softwares on the market.

Key Features of Hide the IP:
Hide IP Address »
Single click to completely hide your Online Identity. Others will see a fake IP address masking your real IP, thus, protecting your privacy.
Select Your Physical IP Location »
You decide which country will be indicated as your origin by simply choosing from a country list. We have hundreds, hourly updated, IP addresses available for use.
Anonymous Web Surfing »
You are protected from hackers who will be tricked by your fake IP instead of your real. They will never be able to find any information about you by tracing the fake IP.
Send Anonymous E-mails » Hide your IP in E-mail headers. Be protected while sending emails from Yahoo!, Hotmail, GMail. Upgrading to Platinum Service add-on will protect you in Outlook!
Bypass Website Country Restrictions »
Surf websites which are restricted for your country. Surf in forums on which you were banned.
Supports Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, Opera.
So what are you waiting for? Download the free trial and test Hide the IP on your computer now! For more information on Hide the IP visit the following link.
Hide the IP
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