Want a new free myspace layout for your profile? Plenty of sites offer coding for new and free background myspace layouts. Just cut and paste them into the “About Me” section of your profile, and your profile is pimped.
- 837 skins broken down into 11 categories like Games, Nature, and Music:
- MySpacelayouts.org offers collections of backgrounds, graphics, special characters and text effects, and full layogenerator -- just plug in the URL of the image you want, and the generator will spit out the code you need to set that image as your background.
- Profile Daddy has a nice collection of myspace tools and graphics to spice up your page
- At Yourpagestinks.com, you can plug search terms into a background image finder, or avail yourself of other free tools (cursors, ringtones, layout codes, and more). Funny, for a URL bespeaking such attitude, you would think the page would stink less … It’s got to be one of the most poorly constructed sites in the history of the internet:
- The background code generator at FreeCodeSource.com is the best. With it you can customize your background on a half-dozen variables like color, border color, whether the image repeats or not, whether the image scrolls with the page, etc.
- Try out one of these death-metal MySpace skins
Need the freshest MySpace skins? Check out the 10 newest backgrounds at123Layouts.com -- dozens and dozens of widely diverse (Jesus on the cross to Catherine Zeta Jones? Wow!) possibilities populate this site.
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So friends, i hope you will be able to use various myspace background layouts
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